Happy Holidays from your Greenlion team!

December 9, 2022

As Christmas and Santa approaches and 2022 comes to an end, Greenlion wishes to thank you for all your support during the year.

Undoubtedly 2022 has been unprecedented.  After learning to manage the effects of Covid, the world has largely resumed transmission. Borders are mostly open, unemployment is low and whilst we are fighting inflation, Aotearoa has fared better than many other countries in the world.

For some Kiwi families however, 2022 has been especially hard.  Poverty and homelessness have loomed large. Christmas for these families will not necessarily be full of laughter, presents and full tummies.  Mindful of this, we have applied the funds we would usually spend on clients’ Christmas presents, towards supporting the food appeal organised by De Paul House.  This is a charity organisation that supplies food and gifts for struggling local families and those who are homeless.  We hope this helps those in need have a better Christmas than they otherwise would.  We know you will agree, Christmas is a time for giving and this is a valuable cause to give to.

Greenlion is also giving its team of Lions time to rest and so our offices will be closed from Thursday 22nd December 2022, reopening Monday 16th January 2023.

From all of us at Greenlion, we wish you and yours a very happy and safe season and look forward to working with you again in 2023.

Merry Christmas,


Paul and the Lions

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