In each edition of Our Roar, we intend to showcase products and services of some of our clients, that we think others will be interested in learning about. One such business is our client Loyal Pooch. This company has designed a stylish storage solution that is suitable for all homes.
We've been privileged to help Loyal Pooch by creating and implementing structures by which the business is conducted and through which its owners assets are protected. Loyal Pooch recently traveled to China to visit factories with the sole purpose of choosing a manufacturer to deliver a high-quality product, matching the high standards the company has. Anyta Sione, founder and director, said visiting prospective manufacturers to assess their processes and quality standards was vital as this permitted potential issues to be identified early enough to rectify them, to assess how products would be made and assembled and to understand timeframes. She also found face to face meetings enabled a better understanding of cost structures too, enabling stronger negotiations on price and payment terms.
With a view to selling products overseas, Loyal Pooch has already attended its first trade show, SuperZoo. This show is North Americas Largest Pet Product Trade show. Anyta believed attending the show laid the groundwork for building US industry relationships, securing potential sales channels, and enhancing product visibility in the US market. Happily, Anyta reported, our product received significant interest from the US market and a particular global distributor, and we are confident we will receive orders.
Loyal Pooch won't sell to only oversees customers. New Zealanders will be able to purchase the stylish dog shaped storage container to. The product combines functionality with high quality aesthetics, doubling as a storage solution and a decorative art piece art. Therein lies its appeal – pet lovers and interior design enthusiasts will all want one of these fabulous creatures.
We think the company has designed an innovative product which has a ton of uses. Pet owners can use it for storing their pets things in it. Parents can get their children interested in picking up their toys by the novel way children will tidy their toys into the dog. Even if you don’t have a pet or child at home, you can still find a use for it. It makes for a perfect container to store dry such as potatoes and onions. Failing all that, it’s a fabulous art piece, which will have your friends talking of its guard dog qualities for ages.
As the Accountants for Loyal Pooch, we are really excited about the company’s prospects. We’ve loved working with our client, establishing their structures and discussing with them their business strategy and goals.
New Zealand presales launch in January with expected deliver following in March. If you want to be one of the first people to own your very own doggie woggie, contact Anyta through the Loyal Pooch website at